I've been keeping a running list of pretty much everything that's been going on today...so here goes!

At 8:40 I got Phalyn a Pop Tart and put a sleeping Morgana in her crib. Well that didn't last long! I barely had enough time to get my contacts in before she was awake and crying to get out. So I fed the little kids breakfast and got a little something for myself. We are usually kind of scattered in the morning with breakfast since everyone wakes up at different times. I decided to have a Green Tea and a Special K bar. Not bad, only 100 calories so far today! I fed the dog and cat, too. Got Phalyn started on his preschool computer programs.
9:00 - Put first load of laundry on to wash and decided to take before pics of my messy house, or most of it anyway. After taking pics I cleaned the dining room since that was the easiest to get accomplished. 15 minutes later and I was finished sweeping, clearing and cleaning the table. That meant there was plenty of room to fold and sort the three baskets of laundry I had been putting off. UGH!
9:15 - Shawn and Makayla are finally awake. So I ran off to get dressed for the day. As soon as I got fully dressed I hear my baby girl, Morgana, crying frantically so I call out to the older kids to check on her while I'm racing down the hall buttoning my buttons with a shoe still untied. She was standing at the dining room table and fell backwards down a little step and landed on her face :*( I scooped her up and got her changed and dry in just enough time for my 4 year old and 14 year old to get into it over playing the PS2....major UGH! After I got them somewhat calmed down and repeated myself probably 15 times that it wasn't getting turned on this morning, I think they sort of got it.
9:35 - Working on folding my 2nd basket of laundry.
9:50 - Introduced kids to Homeschool Advantage on the computer and they both (Shawn and Makayla) really liked it and completed all activities for today plus some. Got Shawn to play with Morgana to distract her from wanting to be carried all day after her little fall. It worked!
10:00 - Called Mom to chat and walk. Commonly referred to as "my aerobics". I probably walk miles and miles every week just by walking and cleaning while talking on the phone. Usually I am walking to find quiet places to be able to talk and to get away from kids that always seem to have a million questions as soon as I get on the phone. I started washing my 2nd load of laundry and finished folding my 3rd basket...all while talking on the phone :)
10:39 - I hung up with Mom and began putting all of the clothes that now filled my table away. I took a little break to take pictures of my cuties playing. While putting the little kids clothes away I managed to clean their room.
10:50 - Cleaned the living room.
11:15 - Began work on the "den".
11:20 - Got the kids started decorating their placemats and took pictures of those too. Phalyn drew a very accurate picture of Poppy, with just one arm, on his plate. Makayla's (or Mickey) was all about celebraties and peace. Shawn's was all about Yu-gi-oh (and a quote from Jeff Dunhem's "Achmed"). Morgana's was all about being 16 months old!
11:45 - Break to prepare lunches. This is probably where most of my down time starts. I snacked on Gana's (that's Morgana's nickname) vienna sausage (100 calories) and now I'm waiting on my yummy potpie (that'll be 640 calories). Now I'll get to enjoy some computer time until lunch is ready.
12:45 - Time to eat finally! Guess I should have started making it earlier. Everyone else is done eating and enjoying some game playing time.
1:15 - Done eating and blogging. Kids are getting started on school. So I'm off until this evening when I post some more. Pretty productive day so far, I think. Ok, I got stuck blogging a little longer than I planned but I also got Makayla started on her research report, Phalyn settled with a movie and Shawn started on his Science.
2:00 - Started 3rd load of laundry washing and working on folding my 4th load.
I am exhausted from just reading this, I need to sit down and catch my breath, LOL. I like the Place mat idea. I will have to do that with Rebekah. I like your new layout, looks good.
ReplyDeleteThanks, now I'm trying to change my comment color so I can see them. LOL