The meaning behind Firefly!

Firefly is a nickname given to me by my husband. I was attending Girl Scout camp with my daughter, Makayla, and was in need of a camp name. He came up with Firefly because he said I lit up a room every time I smiled. It stuck...Firefly...that's me!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

A Fun Day!!!

We had so much fun today! First we started the day by waking up and making homemade donuts. Makayla and I had a blast rolling the dough, cutting the holes, dipping them in butter and sugar and waiting on them to cook. Shawn just had a blast eating them. Then after that was done we decided to make Monkey Munch for a snack for later. While that was chilling we took a long walk to the park. The kids each rode their bikes and the puppy enjoyed being carried. They all ran and played at the park for a bit while the puppy slept in the shade with Chris. On our way home the puppy decided to ride in the bottom of the stroller while the baby slept. Once we got home we had some yummy turkey burgers and chips. We were hoping to be able to go to the pool but it was closed for a competition. We still had a blast today, I think!

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