I can't believe my baby girl is already one. You would think I'd be used to this after having four kids, but I can never get used to how fast they grow. As hard as it is to believe that my little baby is now one, it's just as hard to believe that the littlest of my babies is getting ready to turn fourteen! Ah, teenagers! Phalyn is soon to be four...unbelievable! And Makayla is eleven, anxiously awaiting twelve. A toddler, preschooler, preteen and teenager. It's such a challenge to homeschool them all...at the same time. I don't know how larger families do it. I guess, really, the schooling part isn't so difficult; it's the fact that I'm needed by four different children at the same time...NOW! Trying to keep the kids encouraged and on task is probably the most tiring of all. The older two kids like to set their own schedules so I find myself constantly reminding them to get things done.
One of the fun things we have recently begun is what the kids affectionately call, "Cafeteria Lunches". I have these cafeteria style trays of three different colors so they each know their own. I give them some fish sticks, or a pizza in Shawn's case since he HATES anything to do with fish; some fruit, like some grapes and strawberries; maybe some french fries; Go-gurt; and a Fruit Roll-up. Now, to me, that's a pretty big lunch but they don't snack as much later in the day and they are full and ready to finish their work. Speaking of Cafeteria Lunches, the troops have already started asking for them. Guess I better go get them ready! Love Homeschooling and wouldn't trade it for the world!